Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hire a Personal Trainer or Fitness Coach

Hire a personal trainer or fitness coach - It is proven that having a motivating and positive support system will help you stay with your goals long term. How many times have you started and exercise program and stopped? Remember those New Year’s Resolutions? How many have you kept? Was losing weight or eating healthier part of those resolutions that are now on a shelf collecting dust? Do you have multiple pieces of exercise equipment that you bough on an infomercial late at night that you now hang your clothes on collecting dust? Get motivated and use a Fitness Coach or Personal Trainer to help support you in your life long mission to Permanent Weight Loss and Better overall Body Perfect Fitness and Health.

Rob Head Fitness Expert @

My Home Personal Trainer

Reward Yourself For Fitness Success

Reward yourself - It never ceases to amaze me how hard we are on ourselves when we don't accomplish, and how hard we are on ourselves when we DO accomplish. Whenever you reach a milestone, have something in mind, like a trip to the day spa, new shoes or clothes (as long as it's NON-EDIBLE).

Rob Head Fitness Expert @ My Home Personal Trainer

Don't Give up on your Fitness Goals

Persistence! - Violate this step and you'll never achieve permanent results. We recently concluded conducted a 10 year study which proves that persistence is the single most important aspect of any diet or exercise program. The study followed a group of people (group #1) who exercised and dieted very strictly, but sporadically and compared those results to a group of people (group #2) who exercised mildly and followed a very basic diet, but this group never varied from their routine. Even though group #2 exercised and dieted far less (but did so persistently) they got 68% better results than those who exercised and dieted VERY STRICTLY but only occasionally.

Rob Head Fitness Expert @ My Home Personal Trainer