Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Do Muscles Turn into Fat?

This age old question about Muscle and Fat can be answered in one quick way..

Muscle is always muscle and Fat is always Fat..

You cannot turn one into the other. When you stop any fitness training program, your caloric demand will be reduced.

Most people have a difficult time adjusting to the changes in their fitness program in relationship to food consumption.

Also within 72 hours since your last workout, the body begins a gentle, almost undetectable slide into sloth. In time, muscle mass decreases. Muscles that used to incinerate calories and crank up your metabolism while at rest, do not work as efficiently and hence less calories burned.

The body at this point does not burn fat as efficiently and then Fat gains get accelerated and this process is compounded by a declining metabolism, diminished muscle mass, and failure to adjust your caloric intake.

So muscle doesn't turn into fat at all!!!

The Fat just consumes and takes over your Body!!!

NOT a Pretty Sight......

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Never go on a diet!

Statistics show that going on and off diets will actually increase your chance of permanent weight gain. Skipping meals is a common mistake that dieters make. While this will lead to a lower calorie intake, it will also trigger your body to slow down your metabolism in order to conserve energy, thus causing you to burn fewer calories.

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My Online Personal Trainer Your Complete Online Personal Training and Fitness Training Resource

Body Perfect Fitness The Most Comprehensive Online Personal Trainer and Meal Planning Resource

My Online Personal Trainer Your Complete Online Personal Training and Fitness Training Resource

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Why Americans Keep Getting Fatter

As Americans continue to struggle with obesity in the United States, we must ask ourselves some very important questions:

What makes our life style different than other cultures around the world?

Why do we suffer so much from diabetes and heart related diseases?

How can we make better decisions in choosing the right foods to support a healthy lifestyle?

Well I learned many things about how different cultures live in my most recent trip to South America about the eating habits that help support a much more healthy life style free from prescribed medications and free from the struggles of obesity and weight related diseases, such as heart and diabetes.
I really observed some striking differences about how the people of South America live their lives both in their eating plans as well as how they approach life itself.
I really believe we can learn many things from other cultures that we can pass on to our children in the form of healthier living and creating a life style change that will reduce the risk of obesity in this country.

Here are some of my observations:

What you don’t see are fast food chains on every corner.

What you don’t see are people eating tons of processed snack foods like potato chips and nacho chips that are loaded with bad fat, high sodium, high bad carbohydrates, and tons of preservatives.

You do not see donut shops or convenience stores on every corner


What you do see are people making lunch their main meal of the day and dinner the smallest meal of the day.

What you also see are foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals that are completely organic and eaten from there most natural state.

The South American Culture consumes tons of organic and natural and I might add unbelievably delicious fruits and vegetables along with seafood and meats that support a natural healthy lifestyle.

The other key is they consume most of these rich in nutrient foods early in the day and reduce their food consumption later at night, as well as consuming 5-6 meals per day.

Sounds familiar with some of the latest advice from some of the current diet books out promoting smaller more frequent meals and reducing your food intake as you move towards bedtime.

So now that we have a place to start from, let’s talk about the foods that make you FAT!!!

Foods that can make you fat have a few things in common:

High in total calories

High in total fat

High in refined sugars

High in calorie density

Low in nutritional value

High in Sodium

Loaded with preservatives

Loaded with artificial fillers and additives

Come in a box from the middle aisles of the grocery store

Have words that you cannot pronounce on the label

Of course over the years we have called these foods “junk foods” and in the United States, these “junk foods” have continued to grow in popularity for many reasons.

They are ready to eat right from a box (convenient)

They really tease our taste buds with tons of :

o Salt

o Sugar

o Fat

They make you want to eat more and more of them

Here are the Top Food Groups that help make you FAT

Ice cream, Donuts, pastries, cakes, pies and cookies

o Typically high in:

Bad fats

Refined white sugars

Refined white flours

All fried foods

o High in fat

o Refined white flours from the breading

Soda and Fruit juices

o High in refined sugar and artificial additives

o Look out for other forms of sugar

High fructose corn syrup

Corn syrup


Snack Foods- potato chips, nacho chips, etc.

Typically high in:

Bad fats

Refined white flours


Refined white sugars

Artificial flavors and colors

Preservatives – that you cannot even pronounce

Processed meat items-Typically fast food

o Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Bacon, Sausage

High in bad, bad, bad, fat

High in Sodium

Usually served on Refined white flour breads

High Sugar Breakfast cereals

o High in Refined white sugars

o High in Refined white flours

If your meal plans are made up of a high percentage of My FAT Food group, then you are probably not reaching your fitness and health goals and are struggling to keep the weight off.

Next month we will be talking about FAT Burning Foods!!!

If you struggle with creating a balanced and complete meal plan then we have the answer for you:

My Nutrition Plan
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