Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Eat the right kind of Carbs

Eat complex carbohydrates instead of simple sugars for a leaner body. Your body is in constant need of carbohydrates to be converted into glucose and used as fuel. When your body has extra glucose it will be stored as fat for later use. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes, and vegetables, take longer to break down into glucose, and will therefore be less likely to be stored as fat than simple carbohydrates such as table sugar, or fruit sugar.

Monday, May 30, 2005

What eating really costs you..............

The average Venti sized Frappuccino weighs in at 530 calories. This staggering number equals 2.5 bagels, or one third of the recommended daily calories for an average woman. Beverages such as this contain high amounts of sugar should be consumed rarely since the extra calories they contain are readily stored as fat.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Diets Don't Work!!!

Never go on a diet! Statistics show that going on and off diets will actually increase your chance of permanent weight gain. Skipping meals is a common mistake that dieters make. While this will lead to a lower calorie intake, it will also trigger your body to slow down your metabolism in order to conserve energy, thus causing you to burn fewer calories.

Weight Loss and Fitness Tip

Your body needs a variety of nutrients to function at its peak and burn fat. Find new, healthy alternatives to your daily meals, and substitute them frequently. Make sure that you are eating 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, of different colors.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Great Low Net Carb Fudge Recipe


8 oz cream cheese
1 cup Splenda
1 oz. unsweetened baker's chocolate
1/4 cup heavy cream
4 teaspoons peanut butter
Melt cream cheese and peanut butter in microwave for approx 2 minutes, stopping and stirring at 1 minute intervals. Melt chocolate in separate bowl until creamy. Combine chocolate with cream cheese mixture and whisk in Splenda and cream. Pour into buttered glass pan and chill at least 4 hours.

Cut in squares and enjoy. (This recipe yields a more "gooey" fudge than traditional fudge, but if you want more uniform squares, place pan in freezer for 30 minutes before cutting.)

Cut into 16 pieces — 3.8 grams net carbohydrate per piece.

Snack Attack

Your Stomach is growling but your next meal is hours away. What do you do?
If you think your best option is to avoid the snack altogether and wait for the
next meal, think again.

The Benefits of Snacking

You may feel regretful about snacking, but snacks aren’t necessarily bad for you.
In fact, mini-meals several times a day can be beneficial.
If eating a healthy snack keeps you from taking second and third
helpings at your next meal, you may actually consume fewer total calories for the day.
A wide variety of snacks can fit into a healthy lifestyle, so you don’t need to avoid
snacks. Rather, plan them with variety, moderation and balance in mind.

Choose Snacks Wisely

Select foods that cna satisfy hunger, supply your body with energy and provide important
nutrients. Choose a wide variety of these foods to ensure that you get all the necessary
nutrients, and to make your snacks more interesting.

Here are some of your best snack picks:

Whole Grains

Whole-grain snacks are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, which give you
immediate energy that has some staying power. Look for items such as low-fat whole-grain
crackers, whole-grain pretzels and whole-grain crispbreads.

Fruits and Vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables provides a feeling of fullness with no fat and only small amounts
of calories. They provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a good source of protein, which helps keep you feeling fuller longer.
The fat in nuts and seeds is monounsaturated fat, a healthy kind of fat. Nuts and seeds
are high in calories, however, so don't eat them in large quantity.

Low-fat dairy products

Cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are good sources of calcium, protein, and other
nutrients. Dairy products can be high in fat, so choose the low-fat versions.
Yogurt may have alot of added sugar, so you should consider light yogurt to limit your
calorie intake.

Though snacks can contribute to a healthy diet, they can also be a source of excess
calories if not eaten in moderation. For example, a resonable amount of almonds
(about 23 kernels or a handful) contains 164 calories. But if you eat handful after
handful until it totals a cup of almonds, the calorie count jumps to 800-plus calories.

So remember:

Snacks are great!!

Eat Several mini-meals per day

Eat high fiber whole grain snacks

Eat low calorie fruits and veggies

Stick with the berry family

> Raspberries

> Strawberries

> blueberries

> blackberries

Stick with Dark Green Veggies

> Broccoli

> Asparagus

> Spinach

> Dark Greens

> Green Beans

Eating good quality nuts and seeds

> Almonds with skin on unsalted

> eat in moderation

Low fat dairy products are good

> low fat cheeses

> no fat cheeses

> unsweetened yogurts

Get Ready for a Snack Attack!!!!

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is key in maintaining a healthy body weight. The American Council on Exercise suggests that this balance break down into 12-20% protein, 55-65% carbohydrates, and 25-30% fat.

Perfect Body Fitness and Health Tip

Your body needs a variety of nutrients to function at its peak and burn fat. Find new, healthy alternatives to your daily meals, and substitute them frequently. Make sure that you are eating 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, of different colors.